“The pale exchange”

Artist Adam James has chosen a performing representation and defines his work a “sculptural installation”: it's an experiment to try to establish a dialogue with the public. In a small wooden house, the artist hangs brightly coloured foam objects which visitors are encouraged to use them. This way, the viewer becomes a roaming monument, and visiting the museum or strolling in the nature, he becomes both creator and protagonist of a story yet to unfold. The contrast is created by formal and contextual antinomies that border on the absurd. The main point of this project is to observe the viewer's artistic sensibility. The artist invites everyone to interact, encouraging them to take photographs or videos and share them using the hashtag #thepaleexchange. Everything that visitors will publish will become part of the final work.

〉 Ladin

L’artist Adam James á chirí fora la direziun dla perfomance y definësc so laur na “istalaziun de scoltöres”: al dess ester n esperimënt por stabilí n dialogh cun le publich. L’artist tënn fora te na ütia de lëgn guanc de guma-scaia dai corusc scraiënc y inviëia la jënt da se i vistí. Le spetadú se trasformëia insciö te n monumënt viandant y tl medem tëmp tl creadú y protagonist de na storia nia ciamó rovada, deperpo che al vijitëia le museum o spazirëia fora por la natöra. Le contrast vëgn a se le dé tres les antinomies de forma y de contest, che tira al’assurdité. Le punt zentral de chësc proiet é propi la osservaziun dla sensibilité por l’oget. Vignun y vignöna dess fá para, insciö descëda l’artist la coriosité da fotografé o da registré y da partí chëstes esperiënzes tres l’hashtag #thepaleexchange. Döt ci che gnará publiché dai vijitadus sará na pert dl’opera finala.   

〉 Italiano

L’artista Adam James ha scelto la chiave performativa e definisce il suo lavoro una “installazione sculturale”: vuole essere un esperimento per stabilire un dialogo con il pubblico. In una casetta di legno l’artista appende dei vestiti in gommapiuma dai colori sgargianti, che i visitatori sono invitati a indossare. Lo spettatore si trasforma così in un monumento girovagante e, visitando il museo o passeggiando nella natura, si rende creatore e protagonista di una storia in fieri. Il contrasto è dato dalle antinomie formali e contestuali, che rasentano l’assurdo. Il punto centrale di questo progetto è l’osservazione della sensibilità verso l’oggetto artistico. L’artista invita chiunque a interagire, stimolandolo a fotografare o registrare e condividere usando l’hashtag #thepaleexchange. Tutto ciò che sarà pubblicato dai visitatori diventerà parte dell’opera finale.

〉 Italiano

Der Künstler Adam James hat den Weg der Performance gewählt und definiert seine Arbeit als „skulpturale Installation“: dies sollte ein Experiment sein, um einen Dialog mit dem Publikum herzustellen. In einem Holzhäuschen hängt der Künstler grellfarbige Kleider aus Schaumgummi auf, die die Besucher anziehen sollten. Der Zuschauer verwandelt sich somit in ein umherstreifendes Monument, das das Museum besucht oder in der Natur spaziert, und wird so zu einem Schöpfer und Protagonisten einer Geschichte im Werden. Der Kontrast entsteht durch die formellen und kontextuellen Widersprüche, die ans Absurde grenzen. Das Hauptaugenmerk dieses Projekts liegt in der Beobachtung der Sensibilität gegenüber dem künstlerischen Objekt. Der Künstler bittet alle zur Zusammenarbeit, wobei er jeden zum Fotografieren oder Aufnehmen und Teilen unter Verwendung des Hashtags #thepaleexchange anregt. All das, was von den Besuchern veröffentlicht wird, stellt ein Teil des endgültigen Werks dar.

The Ćiastel de Tor, San Martin - Studies have dated San Martin de Tor back to Roman times. A number of paths and locations found in what is now the town centre can be traced back to the practice of subdividing land into quadrilateral lots, which was typical of the era. Also, it is believed that the word "quadra" (square in Italian), which was initially used as a term for a surface, was extended to the whole of the Badia valley (Gadertal in German). It was only later that the term "Gader" originally "Kaidra" – “Square”. was introduced. Today, the castle, which dates from the early 13th century, houses the "Museum Ladin".

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